INFOTERRA/USA: Directory of Environmental Sources




Information Sharing Branch, Information Management and Services Division, Office of Information Resources Management, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

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Information Sharing Branch, Information Management and Services Division, Office of Information Resources Management, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


INFOTERRA is the international environmental information exchange network coordinated by the United Nations environmental programme. INFOTERRA was established in 1975 following recommendations from the Stockholm conference. At present, the INFOTERRA network comprises a partnership of 140 countries which have designed national focal points to promote the exchange of environmental information. Each national focal point prepares a "Who's who" of environmental information sources for inclusion in the INFORTERRA International directory of environmental sources. Several countries including Bagladesh, Canada, China, Guyana, Japan, Nepal, Thailand, and the United States publish their own national directories. Together with the international directory, these national directories serve as a primary reference tool for the INFOTERRA network in its mission to provide reliable, comprehensive and timely environmental information to requestors. The INFOTERRA -USA directory of environmental sources lists 445 national information sources which have agreed to provide environmental information free or at a minimal fee to international requestors. Each entry contains contact information, fields of environmental expertise, and a description of services. The sources are grouped by the type of organization originating the information: Federal, State or local government, academic, or nongovernmental interests groups. For ease of access, both alphabetical and subject indexes are provided. The sources included responded to a questionnaire sent out in May 1991. This survey conducted by the INFOTERRA -USA National focal point had the following two objectives: first, to update the national inventory of information sources in various fields of the environmental sciences and related disciplines; and second, to contribute USA input to the INFOTERRA International Directory of environmental sources. The INFOTERRA -USA national focal point hopes that this directory national environmental sources will be a useful reference book for the global environmental community.


468 pgs.


environmental policy, databases, environmental sources, directory, information services, environmental monitoring
