Survey of Commercial Shrimp Populations in Corpus Christi, Nueces and Oso Bays - Biological Survey of Area M-7


Shrimp were sampled at seven stations with otter trawls. the first wave of juvenile brown shrimp appeared in the mid-April trawl samples. A second and more numerous group appeared in the May samples. During June, brown shrimp reached their peak of abundance. They decreased in number during July and were practically gone by the end of August. They generally left the bay before reaching a length of 100 mm. Juvenile white shrimp first appeared in the samples during the first part of July and they remained abundant through the last part of August, which was the end of this study period. (White shrimp remained in the bay until they attained an average length of about 120 mm).


6 pages; available for download at the link below.


Nueces Bay, Corpus Christi Bay, Oso Bay, shrimp survey, shrimp population, white shrimp, brown shrimp, Penaeus setiferus, Penaeus aztecus
