Chesapeake bay striped bass fishery management plan: A commitment progress report from the living resources subcommittee. Annual progress report




Chesapeake Bay Program

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U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


The growth of the Chesapeake Bay striped bass spawning population has caused the reopening of the Chesapeake rockfish fishery on a very limited and controlled basis. The Chesapeake Bay Striped Bass Management Plan sets the requirements that govern the way the reopened fishery is to be operated. Systems were put into place to allocate the catch among different user groups, to monitor the catch, and to enforce the fishing regulations. This system has successfully regulated the catch keeping them within the target range to allow for continued growth. The program has created public support and awareness of the problem and the need to protect the species. Valuable information from the 1990-1991 fishery is being used to help improve this year's fishery. With continued wise use of the system, the striped bass population can continue to grow.


14 p.


fisheries, fishery management
