Factors affecting fish populations in flood prevention lakes of North-Central Texas


1982 1980 Nov 9


Farquhar BW
Noble RL
Cichra CE

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During summer, 1976, limnological and fish population data were obtained from 56 flood prevention lakes of the Trinity River watershed. Fish samples obtained from gillnetting, electrofishing, and seining indicated that the principal fishes were largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides ), bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus ), black bullheads (Ictalurus melas ), white crappie (Pomoxis annularis ), green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus ) channel catfish (Ictalarus punctatus ), golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas ) and redear sunfish (Lepomis microlophus ). Analysis of fish data was performed by simple multiple correlation techniques in relation to physical, limnological, and biological variables. Variation in fish biomass, as indicated by gill net catch, was explained by a combination of biological and physical characteristics, whereas species composition was a more important factor in largemouth bass models. Channel catfish characteristics in contrast were highly affected by physical and limnological variables. The results emphasize the need for management objectives directed toward a single species or group of species in flood prevention lakes




analysis, biomass, biotic factors, Community composition, environmental factors, fish, flood control, Freshwater fish, Lakes, models, physicochemical properties, population dynamics, Q1 01422 Environmental effects, species composition, USA, USA,Texas,Trinity R., Watersheds
