Weight - length and length - length relationships of king mackerel off Texas




Campbell, R.P.
Meador, K.L.
McKee, D.A.

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Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Coastal Fisheries Branch


Weight - total length, weight - fork length and length - length relationships were developed for king mackerel (Scomberomorus cavalla) caught in the Gulf of Mexico off the Texas coast. Length - length relationships were in the form of total length - fork length, total length - standard length and fork length - standard length. Regression coefficients for equations in the form of Y = a + bX were estimated for log base 10 transformed weight (W) as a function of log base 10 transformed total length (TL), log base 10 transformed W as a function of log base 10 transformed fork length (FL), TL as a function of FL, TL as a function of standard length (SL), and FL as a function of SL. W-FL equations developed in this study were similar to some of the equations developed in other studies. Length - length equations developed for this study were not directly comparable to those in other studies.


11 pgs.


king mackerel, Scomberomorus cavalla, catch statistics
