Economic development and factors affecting industrial location on the Texas Gulf coast.


June 1971


Wright, Arthur L.
Matthews, Warren T.

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Texas A&M University, Industrial Economic Research Division.


This report examines the major economic characteristics of five regions within the 36-county Texas Gulf Coast Area to determine the influence of major factors which affect the location decisions of firms recently settling within the area. Also, the resources and industrial activities of the Texas Gulf Coast Region are considered in the light of modern economic development theory to facilitate an understanding of the current expansion and to help anticipate the direction and magnitude of future adjustments. This study will be useful to industries seeking areas which meet their requirements in terms of markets, materials, labor, land, transportation facilities and other criteria. It will also be helpful to local governments in identifying the location criteria used by specific industries and to indicate which types of industries they are most likely to attract.


72 pages


economics, economic analysis, industries, economic analysis
