Computation, Analysis and Preparation of Coastwide Oyster Population Data - Survey of Oyster Population and Associated Organisms


Galveston Bay, Matagorda Bay, San Antonio Bay, Aransas Bay and South Bay areas were sampled at a total of nineteen stations to determine the population characteristics and fluctuations of oysters on the Texas coast. Population samples taken at monthly intervals from these stations showed heavy spat setting occurred in June 1962 and continued in moderation through December 1962. Survival of spat and seed class oysters ranged from moderate in Galveston Bay to excellent in the lower coastal bays. No extensive natural mortalities were noted in any of the bay areas and the number of market-sized oysters increased in nearly all the bays. Dermocystidium marinum incidence maintained a high level, but no mortalities were associated with the fungus. Oyster populations in Aransas Bay have recovered from the 1959 die-off and are once again approaching an overcrowded conditions for lack of harvesting. Artificial reefs, built in Aransas and Matagorda Bays, have been extremely successful and have attained the characteristics of natural oyster reefs.


10 pages


oysters, marine molluscs, population dynamics, oyster reefs, artificial reefs, growth, mortality
