Implication of Differences in Academic Achievement of Economically Disadvantaged Students on School Improvement Planning for Educational Leaders



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Third grade reading level has been found to be a predictor of both eighth and ninth grade reading level as well as graduation and college attendance (Lesnick, Goerge, Smithgall, & Gwynne 2010). This qualitative study explored how the perspectives on improving reading achievement from parents, teachers, and principals affected school improvement decision-making by the principal. Principals, teachers, and parents completed questionnaires providing their perceptions of the causes of reading difficulties and the support given to struggling readers. The principals were also asked about their use of information provided by teachers and parents in their school improvement planning. Themes were examined both individually and across groups.
Many common themes were noted for the principals and teachers. Information from the parents showed some common themes as well. Four of the seven parents denied that their child had a reading difficulty. However, their participation was based on their child’s below level reading ability.



Academic achievement, Economically disadvantaged students, School improvement, Parent perceptions
